I would like you to meet my kitty cat,
Pronounced: Ease
Crazy name you say? Well, if you knew her in real life, you would understand why I gave a crazy name to a crazy cat.
Cause, she is named after:

Yes, my cat is named after the villain in
The Emperor's New Groove. In the movie she turns into:

Now, my cat is in no way mean like that kitty looks. She is one of the nicest cats you will ever meet. If, and only if, you can get pass her weird, neurotic, skittish ways.
The following is a list of her habits:
Habit One: Perching
(**Be sure to click the photos for the larger versions**)

This is her perching in the window. See how all the flowers are pushed to one side? Well, those flowers used to be where she is laying, but she kept knocking them over so she could "perch". Cat's always win.
She chooses other areas to perch on as well. She finds the warm area's, and will sleep on them. Examples: sitting/sleeping on top of the fish tank, stealing my place on the couch after I've sat there, and her most recent perch: THE LAPTOP.
Habit 2: Eating too much, then puking it out but still looking like a "rat cat" while she walks around.

Here she is sitting underneath the table waiting for me to feed her. See her belly? Looks like little baby kitties are in there doesn't it? Well, that's just extra food. (Click the photo, to see more of what I'm talking about). However, (this is really gross) she pukes. If she eats too fast, it just ends up on the floor. Sounds like she's
bulimic. This doesn't happen everyday. But, it happens often enough for me to ponder where that belly actually comes from.
Habit 4: Meowing, Meowing, begging, and Meowing.
I have never met a more sociable cat(to me), then this cat. She meows and talks to me....all-the-time. Did I say that loud enough? ALL-THE-TIME!! However, she doesn't meow and talk to everyone. She is very skittish, and very choosy with who she talks too, and who she rubs up against, and who she doesn't run away from (like you are going to kill her). The only people she doesn't run away from when they come over are me, my mom and my sister.
Here is an example:
JJ is home and hanging out, she will sleep on the couch and not make a peep. However, the moment I walk into the door she starts meowing and asking me for food, or just asking for attention. This isn't a typical "
meeeeow" like a normal kitty. She acts like she's dying. When she meows she doesn't kid around.

Habit 5: Q-Tips

This is the only thing she ever plays with. No fake plush stuffed mice, no toys covered in cat-nip, she just doesn't care. Instead, she plays with q-tips. She flings these things around like they are mice. I'll try to catch a photo of her playing with one, so you can understand what I'm talking about.
Habit 6: Bringing me treats from outside.
Treats include: Katydids, birds, mice, earthworms, and a dragonfly.
(Sorry, no photos of these yet. I took a few photos a while ago when she did this, but I can't find them. If I find them, these words in parenthesis will disappear.)
But, here she is inside, trying to catch a fly:

I didn't get
Yzma when she was a kitty. The place I used to work at had cats, and they gave her to me, when they got rid of all there cats.
Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have took her home (cause, she does drive me nuts at times), but most of the time I'm glad she's around to keep me company.