Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Study Of Rants

//Begin Rant\\

I have to say a few things about people in blogland.

If you don't want blogger stalkers reading about your personal life, don't write about personal stuff that you don't want the people on the internets to see. Stop thinking it's "weird" that people come upon your blog and don't leave comments. It's like reading a book. Do you have to write a comment to the author when you read a book? Didn't think so!

Also, if you write something people don't like, they somehow don't agree with, and then they leave a rude comment trying to justify your actions, please don't freak out. Remember, you wrote it on your blog. If someone doesn't like what you write, or how you live you life, take a chill pill and get over it. You can't please everyone! Maybe even disable the comments! Problem solved. Oh wait, that wouldn't prove how popular you are. Hmmm... get a tracker?

//End Rant\\

Wait, forgot something.

//Begin Rant Again\\


//Offical End to a pointless post\\

Monday, October 22, 2007

Studies of Wallpaper Rippage

Here you have it folks. The wallpaper that has been plaguing my apartment for the past 3 years, is now GONE!

Believe me, it isn't just one wall. I'll be sure to post all areas when I paint it like this:

Excited? I AM!

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Study of How Kronk Wakes Me Up

THIS is EXACTLY what Kronk (my other cat) does to me in the morning. JJ is asleep right next to me, and he doesn't bother him... just me. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Study of In Rainbows

Here it is, 5 years after the release of Hail to the Thief, and Radiohead decides to be awesome and release a new album called, In Rainbows.

This morning, I downloaded it(legally!), and gave it a listen.

First listen: "Wow, this is boring."

Second listen: "Wow, this is still boring".

Third listen: "Yup, I'm still bored."

Fourth listen: "Why am I still listening to this? Wait, this is starting to grow on me. It's not so bad. Is it? Wait, I found a song I like. The others, still boring."

I am not impressed. I like slow stuff, but when an entire album consists of it? No, thanks.

Here I was feeling guilty for the past 5 days that I chose only to pay $0.00 for it(thanks for that guilt trip, Matt Glass), but now that guilt trip is gone!

I like fast loud Radiohead. Crazy sounding Radiohead and some slow Radiohead, but not an entire album of it!

Back to the classic stuff I go!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Studies Across The Universe

Me and JJ went and saw this film last night.

Here, is the preview:

Yes, it is a musical made out of The Beatles, songs. Awesome? YES. However, I'm not going to give an official review of the movie. I can't give a review without giving you spoilers, and I really don't want to do that. So, how about you to go see it, and judge it for yourself. Then, we will discuss. I did have a few(very few) minor problems with it but, the singing, the acting overall, the dream sequences, the directing, and the cinematography ruled out those problems.

Jim Sturgess could sing me to sleep if he wanted.

Especially this song:

However, when he sings, "Something". Oh my. Makes goosebumps on my arms. Kind of like when Ewan McGregor sings "You're Song" for the first time in Moulin Rouge. "My gift is my song!!!!!!!!" (that part).

JJ: You should get your British accent back, and learn to sing. Would ya? Oh. You won't? Okay. I'll just have my fantasies instead. :-D

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Study of How to Pose For The Classic Kissing Photo

It's all about the lip pressing. The harder you press the better the PASSION.

That is exactly what this photo is, pure adult kissing passion.

That or, it's just frightening. You pick.

Study of The New Photo at The Top

I was getting sick of looking at myself at the top of my blog, so I decided it was time for a change. Since it is October I figured I would make my blog festive.

Festive for Halloween, I guess. I don't know. I tried?

Yes, I took the photo. BUT, I had some fun in photoshop.

Click This.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Study of My Hair

Oh great, Ashley is making a post about her hairs. I bet you didn't know this was coming. Oh, you did? Well that means you want to read it, right? Let's start studying shall we?

You know what, lets don't. I realize it would probably bore you to death if I just wrote about.. hairs. Whoopie do?

In my head I had this post all planned out. I was going to compare photographs of how I've had my hairs really long, and really short, and everything in-between. But, you know what? That would just be too much work to do all that and frankly, who really wants to read that anyway? Or look at crazy photos of really dumb hair mistakes.

Like this one:

Overnight I started to look like her.

So, rather then bore you, how about we jump to what the whole point of what this post is going to be.

First point (which the photographs would have proven), I think I look better with longer, blonder hair. Second point, because of the first point I have ONE thing set in stone when it comes to getting hitched, and that is.. growing my hairs out as much as possible.

Is that really superficial? Probably. Then again, my blog is the study of narcissism, so it fits.

So, here is a photograph of myself taken on Saturday. I figure I have about 6 months.

Did I just mention when my wedding, could be? I did. It's not set in stone yet. So, pretend like you never read it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Study of The Project I Took Forever to Post About

Remember when I made this post? Of coarse you do, it was only 2 posts ago.

Anyway, here is the finished project:

I purchased the fabric here. I did not use a pattern, just my imagination. However, it didn't turn out like I had hoped. Or, what my imagination was telling me.

So, these are the reasons why I took forever to post about this. See, I'm "studying".

1. I didn't use enough fabric, I wish they were a little fuller.

2. The fabric is a too bright for the kitchen.

3. I suck at blogging.

I might redo them, I might not. Having them up for a month, they have grown on me.

Yes. Me and JJ like plants.