It was 7:30PM.
Me, JJ and April pulled into the Saltair parking lot. I was excited. Ben Folds was going to rock it out on his piano, in REAL LIFE! In true Ashley style, we were running late.
However, sometimes being late is a very, very, very, very, very, good thing.
We pull up into the parking lot of Saltair and there is a group of people coming toward our car and April says, "Hey Ash?......that's Ben Folds."
I looked, and said, "No, it isn't. That's just someone that looks like him."
April: "Yes, it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Me: "No, it isn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
April, "uhhhh........ YESSSS IT IS!"
I did a double take. Maybe April was right.
She was.
She won.
"Holy crap."
I slide out of the car, forgot that I'm shy, and then this photo happened:

He shook my hand. I acted like a crazy fan. Starstruck perhaps? Yup. Embarrassing? Yes, that too. I told him, "I love you!" I don't love Ben. His music? Yes, that I looooooove. But, him? Nah.
I shook for the next hour or so.
Massive amounts of texting ensued after that moment. If you don't realize how exciting this was for me, imagine the person you've always wanted to meet in real life, and THAT is how it felt.
Other photos happened. Like this one:

Then, we listened to some music. Want photos of that?
They didn't turn out. BUT! I got to see Ben's infamous Baldwin close up.
Dear Baldwin, Why do you have to produce such pretty piano sounds, but have the price tag of a house? (not really, but for a the grand, it's close) Huh? Whhhhhhhy?
The universe defiantly delivered on April 23rd.
Maybe I should start asking for a Baldwin.