Sunday, October 19, 2008



I'm posting from word.


Let me add a photo and see what happens.


Alright. That's done. What happens now?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Study of a Post From a Blackberry

So, this is me posting from my phone.


I will probably delete this.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Study of Twitter

Turns out, twitter is pretty fantastic. Twitter is a place where I can type a sentence, and it considers it an update!

Unlike here. Where one feels guilty for typing pointless stuff. So, here I am at Twitter:

If you don't have an account, get one!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Study of Nothing

Thank you google reader for being 10x's better than bloglines.

Two pointless posts in one day?

Yeah, I can't believe it either.

Study Study McStudy

I dreamt about writing something really clever on my blog.

But, now I forgot what it was.


This post was pointless.

Well, here is something:

I registered for the Salt Lake Half-Marathon, again. Remember last year? Remember how I registered, but then didn't do it? I promise it will not happen this year.

My hairs are brown now. As of April, I've lost 26 pounds. Someday, I'll post a picture.

I still can't remember that clever thing I was going to write.

Oh well.