Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Study of a Trip to The Zoo

On Saturday me and The Dash (JJ) went for a much needed trip to the zoo.

The following are some photos we took of the adventure. (Be sure to click them for larger versions)

Photo: Me

Photo By: The Dash

Following Photos were taken by JJ and I took the last one.

First, these bears started out as friends, and whispered sweet nothings into each others ears:

Those sweet nothings resulted into a little foreplay:

Which, lead to this:

(All photos by JJ)

The following photos are of the baby orangutan, which isn't even a baby anymore she's already about 2 years old.

(Again, photos by JJ. I guess my camera stayed in my pocket most of the adventure.)

Then, the much talked about White Alligator.

(Wow. The following photo is actually one I took. Then, JJ's is next)

After walking around the zoo, JJ and I stopped and ate some fresh Kettle Corn and watched some very horny turkeys chase around a not so interested hen. Don't worry, nothing exciting happened. They just walked around for about an hour with their tail feathers out.

Finally! Photos I took.

While that drama was going on, we watched some mallard ducklings with their mama.

Yes, there was also some drama going on with the mallard male and female birds as well.

Speaking of Birds, here I am standing next to an Owl. Yes, the owl is staring at me. Yes, I should have taken off my shades.

We did walk around and look at more animals. My favorites (the cats) weren't doing anything special, but sleeping. Duh. There cats?

Oh well, at least I got to spend the day with this boy:

Isn't he cute? I think so.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Study of The Gnomes

Blog readers, I give you my 3 new friends.

Why? Why do I have these cute little men holding a watering can, a hoe and a radish? Why are they in my yard? Why do I keep saying, Why?

Well, I don't have a garden of any sort (which, I need to change). So, I have them to keep my lawn company.

That's right, my lawn.

Ever met a girl that LIKES mowing the lawn? Well, it's time you did. Cause, I am one of those people.

Here is a fantastic photograph of my lawn, and my $20 lawn mower from the DI (that works wonderful).

Had you seen my lawn/weed invested/dirt pile when I first moved into my duplex, you would be amazed how nice my lawn looks now. Before I decided to become obsessed with it, it was about 75% weeds, and 25% grass. I never took a photograph of what it looked like before, cause well, it wasn't worth photographing. I also did a horrible job of taking care of it. Horrible! I thought there was no hope what-so-ever with it. Little did I realize that to get lawn to grow, you have to mow it, fertilizeit, and water it. Amazing! Me and JJ put some seeds on it last spring, and this spring and the lawn has miraculously become a green and its not just weeds anymore! I've nursed the lawn back to health, and I look forward to the days when I can cut it.

That's right, I LOOK FORWARD to mowing the lawn.

Guess I did inherit my dad's green thumb, somewhat.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Study of Giving Yzma a Bath

This is another mystery of my cat. She never runs away when I give her a bath. Either she's use to it and just takes it or, she a masochist.

You decide.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Study of Things to Come

I guess you have probably noticed that I have not updated this blog for one week, and two days. I promised that I would keep it updated, but I've been slacking.

So, before I lose all my readers (if they really do exist) I'm going to jot down some things for them to look forward to on, TSON. I WILL update each day with one of these topics.

They are:

-My latest DI (thrift store) finds. Which includes an awesome bright green vintage purse, and some sweet looking dishes.

-My first trip to IKEA. Which, was on Saturday May 19th, before it opened to the general public. This is my new favorite store. Oh my! Such cute/stylish things, for a reasonable price!

-A video of me giving my precious cat, Izma a bath.

-A photo adventure of what it looks like when I go running outside. Speaking of running, my fastest time running, 3.5 miles is 38 mins.

-My attempt to put some awesome vinyl birds on my wall. My brother (and his wife) have a screen printing/vinyl making business. They were kind and made me the birds. We stole the idea. Oh well. Sue me. Here is what they look like (this is NOT my house):

Now, if I could just decide if I want to put them in the living room, or my bedroom.....

And finally:

-The gnomes I have living by my front door, protecting my front lawn. Maybe I'll even talk about my lawn. Maybe you will compare me to Hank, off King of The Hill. Maybe.

Look forward to these fantastic posts! I haven't died! I swear!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Study of a Trip to Wendover, NV

First things first.

Have you noticed I changed the layout, again? See that awesome photo of me at the top? JJ shot that. Isn't it AWESOME? Isn't he awesome for taking such an awesome photo of me? I think so.

Anyway, here we are enjoying the drive out to Wendover, NV.

On the way, we stopped by The Great Salt Lake. JJ shot some photographs, of ME!

Afterwards, I tried eating him.

25 miles outside of Wendover, we stopped by and explored, The Tree of Utah.

Here is JJ standing on top of it.

Then, we arrived in Wendover, NV. This is how I feel about it:

This is how JJ feels about it:

Oh well, and least we got a curly fry that was the shape of a Treble Clef.

Gambling just isn't my thing. So, the next day we travelled out to The Bonneville Salt Flats. Which, are very very cool. I've driven by Wendover quite a few times, but never stopped to explore the vast openness of a bunch of SALT!

I'm not sure what these things are in the following photo:

(Photo by JJ Dasher)

This is the marker for the race track.

Turns out I like to take photos of JJ taking photos.

And, he likes to do it to me too!


Even though Wendover is pretty lame, it was a good trip.

I sure do love this boy.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Study of an Announcement

Me, JJ and a few cameras are headed out to Wendover, NV.

Photos of the Salt Flats and other things will be shot, and then posted on this lovely blog of mine, when I return.

Look forward to it!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Another Study of Yzma

This is why I tell JJ to put the toilet seat down:

This is also why I think my cat is dog.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Study of My Music Devices

The following photo was taken a while ago, but it still has the same effect:

I have an accordion that lives in my house. My father gave it to me to learn how to play and I get it out once and a while. I attempt to learn "the black keys", but I get frustrated and set it aside. Or, I just play random keys and dance around the house.

Not anymore. (I'll still dance) but, I AM going to learn a gig on the accordion. Maybe even some Yann Tiersen. It's a fact. I am setting a goal, and it's going to be awesome when I get finished.

Otherwise, how about a photo where the ISO was up too high but, somehow it works. Here you go:

Another instrument that lives in my house, is a guitar. I've had a guitar in my possesion since I was 16 Years Old. If I actually kept up with learning how to play it, I would probably be in a band. But, we all have regrets. Me putting off my music skill is one of them. BUT, not anymore! The following photo is me playing... A BARRE CHORD. Now, I've attempted these chords before (again, get frustrated and go back to the basics), but not today. Today, it was a success!

The most important of all my instruments that live in my house, is my keyboard. Someday I will own my own acoustic piano, someday. The piano is where my heart is at.

Here are some old photos I took with pianos in them:

Isn't music fun?