Why? Why do I have these cute little men holding a watering can, a hoe and a radish? Why are they in my yard? Why do I keep saying, Why?
Well, I don't have a garden of any sort (which, I need to change). So, I have them to keep my lawn company.
That's right, my lawn.
Ever met a girl that LIKES mowing the lawn? Well, it's time you did. Cause, I am one of those people.
Here is a fantastic photograph of my lawn, and my $20 lawn mower from the DI (that works wonderful).

Had you seen my lawn/weed invested/dirt pile when I first moved into my duplex, you would be amazed how nice my lawn looks now. Before I decided to become obsessed with it, it was about 75% weeds, and 25% grass. I never took a photograph of what it looked like before, cause well, it wasn't worth photographing. I also did a horrible job of taking care of it. Horrible! I thought there was no hope what-so-ever with it. Little did I realize that to get lawn to grow, you have to mow it, fertilizeit, and water it. Amazing! Me and JJ put some seeds on it last spring, and this spring and the lawn has miraculously become a green and its not just weeds anymore! I've nursed the lawn back to health, and I look forward to the days when I can cut it.
That's right, I LOOK FORWARD to mowing the lawn.
Guess I did inherit my dad's green thumb, somewhat.
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