That's right. I'm attached to a little electronic device that goes by the name of the iPod.

How did I realize I'm going to have a hard time parting with such a fantastic device?
I realized I was doomed with this attachment when a Creative Zen was offered to me. Here's how the story goes.
Matt Glass had this Zen, and the dial broke. So, he sold it to JJ for $50. Then, JJ bought the parts for it off eBay, and fixed it for another, $50. It is now in perfect working order. Perfect. JJ offered it to me, and said he would just sale my iPod. That's right, my 2 year old, 4th generation, 30GB iPod. It doesn't do much but play music. Well, you can put photos on it, but I've never done it. So, that was the plan, JJ would sale the iPod.
I thought this was a great idea! No more lame iTunes (even though I use Anapod Explorer now), and the Zen plays videos! The screen is pretty! I could change the skins! I can make my own playlists without hooking it up to a computer! I'm also certain the Zen doesn't rename files, and put them in weird places like the iPod does. Blah. I have so many quirks with the iPod. How in the world am I addicted to it? Go Zen!
Then, something happened.
I went running with it.
Of coarse it plays music exactly the same as an iPod does. So, what's the big deal? With the Zen, I'm not used to using the dials, and running with a device you are not familer with, is annoying. I don't use playlists because I have no idea what I'm going to want to listen to, until the day of my run. So, having the Zen that does it without a computer, sounds fantastic. So, with the iPod I'm used to changing albums/songs while I'm running. I guess I could have set up a playlist before I went running with the Zen, but I didn't think of it.
So, after running around the park for 45 mins, I came home and thought, "I'm keeping my iPod!"
Then, JJ came home, and we starting talking about it. Then, I started crying. Crying yes, over an electronic device! I did not want to give up my iPod. I still dont. I think it's because I've spent hour after hour, mile after mile with it, and I'm just having a hard time parting with it. It's like if I had to give away all my stuffed animals. That's how attached I am.
So, the question I pose to you blog reader is:
Get over my attachment, cry again when it leaves my house, and update and go with the Zen?

Or be old school, and keep my iPod?

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.
If you keep the iPod, you will not learn to use the Zen until the iPod dies of old age.... You have my sympathy. I cried when my 13 y.o. Pontiac finally died (after a mere 240,000 miles on the original engine and transmission). Sat in the junkyard, patting the dashboard and sobbed for half an hour. And the sobbing had nothing to do with the sticker price of its replacement either....
Pretty sad. Did you decide to SELL the IPOD? Or is it still for SALE? You have always had trouble with those two words. :)love you
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