Yes, you read that correctly. I'm going to attempt writing reviews.
Books, Movies, TV shows, makeup products, you name it. Now, I'll warn you I'm probably not the best reviewer on the planet. But, I do try to have opinions about the things I see/read/participate in and I try to have some sort of reasons to back them up. So, take my advice if you want it. Otherwise, just skip my Monday posts!
So, without further ado, a book review.
I warn you that it might contain spoilers. Read at your own risk!
Thanks to my sister April and our recent trip to Barnes and Noble, I picked up the following book:

I actually heard about this book at a family reunion a month ago. My aunt and cousin were raving about how fantastic it was. Then, my sister said, "OH! I've heard such good things about it". Then, at Barnes and Noble while me and April were standing reading the entire new, Post Secret Book (which, sorry to get totally off subject, I suggest you read this Post Secret Blog every Sunday), the guy that was helping us reserve the new Harry Potter and The Dealthy Hallows said, "OH. Twilight. That book, is so excellent!" Even my friend Lindsey said she was reading the book, and was enjoying it.
So, I had very high hopes for this book being, well, excellent.
It was a disappointment. My review 2/5.
This book is filed in the Young Adult section. I enjoy Harry Potter so I didn't factor that in if I would enjoy this book or not. I'll admit that I like a little teen drama from time to time(in movie form), for some odd reason. So, I had high hopes that I was going to enjoy the book. But, basically it was just 300 pages about how this girl falls in love in two days with a hot Vampire guy. 300 Pages of her trying to figure out what he was (turns out he is a Vampire..which is not a spoiler, it tells you that on the back of the book). 300 pages of her blabbing on and on about how hot he was, and him telling her how good she smelt and how much he wanted her (duh, Vampire?). Him always trying to save her life in the most melodramatic ways. Sometimes I wanted to gag with the stuff I was reading. Like, him being so in love with her, but he can't have her because well, he's a Vampire! He might kill her! Who knew? The other thing that I did not like, was the author tried to make Vampires "good", and not the mythical creatures they are. For example, we all know that Vampires can't go out in the sun or they will burn and die. Well, in this book if they go out into the sun, their skin glows and they become god like (glowing, and magical). Yeah, right. ICK! If I did not get such a good reviews from everyone around me, I would have stopped reading this book by the third chapter. But, I kept hoping that it would get better, so I just kept reading.
Now, if you can survive the melodramatic, cliche drama this book beholds, then the last few chapters (and i mean, few) have some quite intense parts. Which, makes this book actually a good read. For a while. Even that whole drama is little bit too cliche for me.
Until the last chapter were it goes back to cliche love drama.
Would I recommend this to anyone else? Probably. If you like cliche romantic novels, with very basic characters. Which, I personally, do not. I like when the author lets me get to know who I'm reading about. Maybe Young Adult books do not do this. This one didn't, and it took me 3 chapters to get a clear image in my head what the main character even looked like.
So, if you like Vampires falling in love with people they can't, well read this book. At your own risk!
The next book I am going to start reading is this: My Sisters Keeper. April likes this author alot, so I'm going to give this novel a chance. I hope I enjoy it.
Can we make recommendations on stuff we want you to review? Great idea to do reviews. Looking forward to reading them.
Haha. Melissa told me to read it too and I totally see what you are talking about! I HATED Bella! Not great books at all.
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