I just watched this movie for the 55th time today. That is right, 55!
Just kidding. I have no idea how many times I watched it. However, that estimate is probably pretty close. I have a few movies that I can watch, over and over and over again. This is one of them.
I do realize that it's a silly movie. But, watching it today reminded me of what Draper, Utah (my hometown) used to be like, before everyone decided it would be cool to move there. When it was just a small town full of middle class families, with fields and farms EVERYWHERE. Now, those fields are gone and it's just a sea of rich people. I'm not saying it's necessary bad thing that Draper grew to what it is now. It is nice that my mom doesn't have to drive 15 miles to Sandy to get her groceries. Wait. I said that wrong. April and Austin don't have to drive as far. It's just weird to think how Draper was, and how it is now, with it's million dollar homes on the mountain.
I really shouldn't complain about development. I work in an Civil Engineering office. If development didn't happen, I wouldn't have the greatest job on the planet. :D
Anyway, I don't even LIKE baseball, but I enjoy this movie.
A little too much?
Nah. I've probably watched GHOST more.
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