Here is one I wrote back in the summer time (with my edits):
I don't know how many of you out there know how much I love Radiohead. It's almost as much as Ben Folds. But, not quite.
I do like them enough to put this
in the form of a sticker, on the back on my car. My brother has a vinyl cutter, so he made it for me. I stole. We stole. Arrest me.
The sticker is the Radiohead bear. Do I know what it "means"? No, not really. I kind of do, but I don't want to write anything that I'm not sure about, so we will just leave it at that.
I was at the gym on Monday, and I get out of my car. There was a guy standing by his car next to me, and this is what transpired:
Mysterious Man: "What is that? Some sort of crazy monkey?"
Me: "Uhhh.. Oh. No. It's a bear. Have you heard of Radiohead?"
Mysterious Granola Man: "Yes, I have."
Me: "I love them. Well, it's artwork that was on the Kid-A album. You know, the album Kid-A right?"
Mysterious Granola Man with Curly Hairs: "I'm not really familiar with that one."
Me: "Basically it's just a symbol that Radiohead has, and people who are big Radiohead fans knows what it is."
Mysterious Granola Man with Curly Hairs and Jesus Shoes on: "Well, I guess I'm not big enough" (He then rolls his eyes)
Me: "Guess Not."
When did I turn into an arty asshole?
Have I always been one, and never noticed?
I hope not.
(This was written before I made THIS POST, which is okay. I still love me some Radiohead)
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