This day was the day JJ and Mark planned on going to AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days. I woke up to see JJ off on his 2 day adventure. I will post the photos that JJ took of his adventure, on another post.

Remember that purple bike I was telling you about a few posts back? Well, here she is:

It's Kims bike. JJ's bike couldn't really fit on the plane ride, so this was the bike he rode. See how excited he is to ride it?

So, with the boys gone, me and April went on a free tour of, Fenton Glass. They have free tours where you can go walk around their factory. Yes, that means you get to see them blowing glass and hand painting the glass as well. However, the photos that me and Ape took didn't turn out. :-(
After our tour, we met up with Kim and we drove 2 hours to:
This was the best part of the trip(other than JJ's question). The best part, and I hardly got any photos of it. Most likely it was because I was in so much awe that Amish people actually exist. I've never seen them in real life, so they've always just been sort of fictional to me. It felt like I was meeting a celebrity. You just think, "Whoah, they are real!" In the words of April Dansie:
"This is surreal"
Supposedly where we visited, (Holmes County, OH) is where the most populated area in the country where Amish/Mennonite communities are. So, we of coarse saw ALOT of these:

Kim took us to The Yoder Amish Home. Please, click the links for more info!!

I really enjoyed touring this home. I would recommend it to anyone that wants to see first hand, what the Amish life is like. You got to tour 2 homes, and a barn with animals.

Did someone say PUPPY? You bet!

(This beagle was for sale, for only $60!!!)
This is a baby bunny. CUTE!!!

There were ducklings walking around the yard. April somehow caught this one. Just like April to catch the ducks.

After our tour of the farm, we stopped at Lehman's . We browsed around the store for a while (it's huge). Kim picked us up, The Budget Newspaper which is the weekly newspaper by and for the Amish.
On our way to find a restaurant we just happened to drive by the Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center. They have a 265' mural-in-the-round depicting Amish/Mennonite history. I would recommend this too. This gives you a history of how the Amish/Mennonites came about. It was also very good artwork as well.
We stopped and ate in (I will insert the location here... later), OH. We were served home cooking food (it was excellent) and enjoyed some Apple Pie.
What a good day this was.
Day Five Complete.
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