April was SO excited to go to The Andy Warhol Museum. It was the only thing she talked about when she told everyone she was coming to West Virgina with me. April likes Andy Warhol. I'm not all that excited about his art. But, April is. So, when she found out Andy's museum was in Pittsburgh, we decided to go there.
On Monday. Monday was the day we were leaving. Our original plan was to wake up early, leave Parkersburg early(like 6am) and make the trek up to Pittsburgh, and tour the museum before we left. Monday.
But, I'm talking about Saturday right?
Well, out of chance (and weird coincidence) I looked at the website to check the times when they would be open. I found out it was closed, on Monday.
April was so upset. Actually it was more like, "disappointed". I thought we were doomed. Doomed to never see Andy Warhol's artwork in real life. I didn't really think of any other options, cause I didn't really think there were any.
Until JJ stepped in.
Again, I didn't think anything could be done.
He convinced Kim to let us borrow her truck and drive ourselves up to Pittsburgh, so April could go to her coveted museum. Thank you so much Kim!
See why I love JJ?
So, that is exactly what we did.
April decided it would funny to stalk film me with her camera. Here is a video of her doing just that:
Ape just took self portraits:

It was a good fun safe drive.
We arrived in Pittsburgh, and drove through:

I'm perfectly fine with Tunnels. No big deal that we are driving through a Mountain.

Not this tunnel though. This tunnel I do not like. Because, when you drive out of this tunnel you are on one of these:

BRIDGE! I know, weird fear. Fear of bridges. I just don't like them when they are over water. Especially when I don't know there coming. It's like "BOO!!". Boo from a bridge.
Turns out Pittsburgh is full of them. Could be why they are called, "The City Of Bridges". Great. I'm putting this city on the bottom of my list of favorite cities. They were EVERYWHERE!

Somehow April got me to walk out on one of them. I guess it's not THAT big of deal. Even though I'm not that far out on it. :-)

After we made our way across a couple of them, we arrived at our destination.

Here are those famous soup cans. Whoopie!

Ape is in these photos, cause that makes Warhol's art a bit more interesting. Gotta have something else going on.

This isn't Andy Warhol's. Some guest artist that was on display. April wasn't supposed to take photos of their art. But, she did anyway. She broke the rules!
Then, some dude yelled at her.

After touring the museum, April's opinion of Andy Warhol changed a bit. Turns out, he's an arty asshole just like all the other artists in the world (go figure). However, her opinion about his art didn't change, so that's a good thing. And, even though I'm not a fan of Andy Warhol, it was still fun to spend the day with April. Where we could giggle and be weird to our hearts content!

The rest of the day was us driving home, and THIS happening.
Day Five Complete.
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