Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Study of In Rainbows

Here it is, 5 years after the release of Hail to the Thief, and Radiohead decides to be awesome and release a new album called, In Rainbows.

This morning, I downloaded it(legally!), and gave it a listen.

First listen: "Wow, this is boring."

Second listen: "Wow, this is still boring".

Third listen: "Yup, I'm still bored."

Fourth listen: "Why am I still listening to this? Wait, this is starting to grow on me. It's not so bad. Is it? Wait, I found a song I like. The others, still boring."

I am not impressed. I like slow stuff, but when an entire album consists of it? No, thanks.

Here I was feeling guilty for the past 5 days that I chose only to pay $0.00 for it(thanks for that guilt trip, Matt Glass), but now that guilt trip is gone!

I like fast loud Radiohead. Crazy sounding Radiohead and some slow Radiohead, but not an entire album of it!

Back to the classic stuff I go!

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