I just called the Salt Lake County Clerk.
Turns out, I'm registered un-affliated.
Do you know what this means???
I can vote on Super Tuesday!!!!!!! However, I'll probably just go over to Draper City and vote early.
Time to measure the pro's and con's with Obama/Clinton.
WAH HOO! Ashley is happy.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Studies of Videos
This is another post I wrote a about 2 weeks ago, that I never posted. It should be noted: I do not own the LG Shine anymore. I traded it in for a Blackberry Pearl. More details of that, to come.
Here we go:
Because I have had the same phone for almost 3 years, we decided it was time to for an upgrade.
So, I got a new phone for Christmas. The LG Shine. It does videos. Not the best quality of videos, but it does something. These videos I can put on the internet to embarrass people.
Today, I shall embarrass JJ.
P.S. Wondernig what he's doing? He has a computer on his lap, and is looking inside of it. Pondering.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Study of Arty Assholes
Blogger says I have 98 posts. However, I have only posted, 78 of them. So, I currently have 20 posts that I have written, but have never got around to posting.
Here is one I wrote back in the summer time (with my edits):
I don't know how many of you out there know how much I love Radiohead. It's almost as much as Ben Folds. But, not quite.
I do like them enough to put this

in the form of a sticker, on the back on my car. My brother has a vinyl cutter, so he made it for me. I stole. We stole. Arrest me.
The sticker is the Radiohead bear. Do I know what it "means"? No, not really. I kind of do, but I don't want to write anything that I'm not sure about, so we will just leave it at that.
I was at the gym on Monday, and I get out of my car. There was a guy standing by his car next to me, and this is what transpired:
Mysterious Man: "What is that? Some sort of crazy monkey?"
Me: "Uhhh.. Oh. No. It's a bear. Have you heard of Radiohead?"
Mysterious Granola Man: "Yes, I have."
Me: "I love them. Well, it's artwork that was on the Kid-A album. You know, the album Kid-A right?"
Mysterious Granola Man with Curly Hairs: "I'm not really familiar with that one."
Me: "Basically it's just a symbol that Radiohead has, and people who are big Radiohead fans knows what it is."
Mysterious Granola Man with Curly Hairs and Jesus Shoes on: "Well, I guess I'm not big enough" (He then rolls his eyes)
Me: "Guess Not."
When did I turn into an arty asshole?
Have I always been one, and never noticed?
I hope not.
(This was written before I made THIS POST, which is okay. I still love me some Radiohead)
Here is one I wrote back in the summer time (with my edits):
I don't know how many of you out there know how much I love Radiohead. It's almost as much as Ben Folds. But, not quite.
I do like them enough to put this
in the form of a sticker, on the back on my car. My brother has a vinyl cutter, so he made it for me. I stole. We stole. Arrest me.
The sticker is the Radiohead bear. Do I know what it "means"? No, not really. I kind of do, but I don't want to write anything that I'm not sure about, so we will just leave it at that.
I was at the gym on Monday, and I get out of my car. There was a guy standing by his car next to me, and this is what transpired:
Mysterious Man: "What is that? Some sort of crazy monkey?"
Me: "Uhhh.. Oh. No. It's a bear. Have you heard of Radiohead?"
Mysterious Granola Man: "Yes, I have."
Me: "I love them. Well, it's artwork that was on the Kid-A album. You know, the album Kid-A right?"
Mysterious Granola Man with Curly Hairs: "I'm not really familiar with that one."
Me: "Basically it's just a symbol that Radiohead has, and people who are big Radiohead fans knows what it is."
Mysterious Granola Man with Curly Hairs and Jesus Shoes on: "Well, I guess I'm not big enough" (He then rolls his eyes)
Me: "Guess Not."
When did I turn into an arty asshole?
Have I always been one, and never noticed?
I hope not.
(This was written before I made THIS POST, which is okay. I still love me some Radiohead)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Study of Field of Dreams
I just watched this movie for the 55th time today. That is right, 55!
Just kidding. I have no idea how many times I watched it. However, that estimate is probably pretty close. I have a few movies that I can watch, over and over and over again. This is one of them.
I do realize that it's a silly movie. But, watching it today reminded me of what Draper, Utah (my hometown) used to be like, before everyone decided it would be cool to move there. When it was just a small town full of middle class families, with fields and farms EVERYWHERE. Now, those fields are gone and it's just a sea of rich people. I'm not saying it's necessary bad thing that Draper grew to what it is now. It is nice that my mom doesn't have to drive 15 miles to Sandy to get her groceries. Wait. I said that wrong. April and Austin don't have to drive as far. It's just weird to think how Draper was, and how it is now, with it's million dollar homes on the mountain.
I really shouldn't complain about development. I work in an Civil Engineering office. If development didn't happen, I wouldn't have the greatest job on the planet. :D
Anyway, I don't even LIKE baseball, but I enjoy this movie.
A little too much?
Nah. I've probably watched GHOST more.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Studies of Positive Image

I found this photo here, while browsing around on Flickr this morning.
Now, I do agree that society does have the perfect woman skewed with what the actual average woman actually looks like. Woman do put down themselves when it comes to their bodies. No matter if they are a size 4 or a size 16. If it's not their hair, it's their butts. If it's not their butts, it's their thighs. If it's not their thighs they hate their eyebrows. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Why can't we just love ourselves? Find the positive stuff perhaps?
I'm kind of being a hypocrite, cause I put myself down all-the-time. But you know what? I am in shape. I can run 5 miles without stopping. I WILL run a half-marathon in April. My immune system rocks the house, so much so that I never get sick. I plan on staying this way until the day I die. So what I'm not a size 6. I'll get there someday.
But, honestly?
This photo just makes me laugh. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just whip out the iron, and BAH BAM smaller boobs?
I would like that.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Study of Bloglines
A while ago, I bookmarked this site: www.bloglines.com.
I didn't realize how fantastic it was, until today.
Cause, it is... pretty fantastic.
I didn't realize how fantastic it was, until today.
Cause, it is... pretty fantastic.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Studies of Almost Quitting
I almost quit training for the half marathon, cause I got bored.
Then, I got some new tunes to listen too.
I'm not quiting anymore.
If I tell you that I'm quitting cause I'm "bored", please just don't listen to me.
Oh, and Ms. Ape D!. Please still train to run the 5K (even though running it with you would be excellent). That way the people at the finish line can cheer on 2 people instead of just one. :D
Then, I got some new tunes to listen too.
I'm not quiting anymore.
If I tell you that I'm quitting cause I'm "bored", please just don't listen to me.
Oh, and Ms. Ape D!. Please still train to run the 5K (even though running it with you would be excellent). That way the people at the finish line can cheer on 2 people instead of just one. :D
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Study of How to Pick Your Nose
Moments of Immaturity shall commence in, 5-4-3-2-1...
If JJ taught you how to pick your nose, this is how he would do it.
First Step: Do what everyone does, pick like no one is watching.

Step Two: Notice someone is watching, and make it known that you were in fact, picking your nose.

Step Three: To further exaggerate the point, wipe finger on butt. Like so:

The End.
If JJ taught you how to pick your nose, this is how he would do it.
First Step: Do what everyone does, pick like no one is watching.

Step Two: Notice someone is watching, and make it known that you were in fact, picking your nose.

Step Three: To further exaggerate the point, wipe finger on butt. Like so:

The End.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Study of The Loss of The Manhood
Looks like I haven't posted for a while. This obvious fact, should not surprise you.
Alot of things have happened since December 11th (my last post). Things like: Christmas, Christmas Parties, Christmas gifts, a surprise on the weight scale, knitting projects, New Years, Lets Become Actors , shows, hang outs with my sister, etc. You know, important blog worthy stuff.
But, what makes it on The Study of Narcissism as far as topics go?
Kronk (my other cat), has lost his mojo. He will no longer have intense feelings for the ladies.

He lost his precious kitty balls on Friday. You think he would be pissed, and not talking to me. Oh no. It hasn't even phased him. Only took him a full day of lying on the couch, and he was back to his old ways.
It must be the Spinach Puffs. ZING!
Alot of things have happened since December 11th (my last post). Things like: Christmas, Christmas Parties, Christmas gifts, a surprise on the weight scale, knitting projects, New Years, Lets Become Actors , shows, hang outs with my sister, etc. You know, important blog worthy stuff.
But, what makes it on The Study of Narcissism as far as topics go?
Kronk (my other cat), has lost his mojo. He will no longer have intense feelings for the ladies.

He lost his precious kitty balls on Friday. You think he would be pissed, and not talking to me. Oh no. It hasn't even phased him. Only took him a full day of lying on the couch, and he was back to his old ways.
It must be the Spinach Puffs. ZING!

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