Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Study of Old Friends & Acquaintances

I participated in X-96 4-Play Concert Series at the Gallivan Center last night. I went to see, take a guess, can you? The Brobecks.

Old friends just seemed to keep popping up everywhere.

The first was, Austin Snow.

Me and Austin Snow, go way back. So far back we used to play b-ball in gym class and walk with each other to seminary... in 10th grade(which was, 9 years ago)! I used to hang out with him all-the-time. However, we just stopped hanging out. Maybe it's because I got a boyfriend? Probably.

The next person to show up was, Mike.

Mike is from the days of Derek Julio. Those days were, 3 years ago. I'm surprised he recognized me. I barely recognized him, in my beer induced state. :-)

Then, the most important part of the night. The Brobecks original keyboardist Bryan Szymanski played a couple songs with them. I was hoping that maybe for a second I could re-live what The Brobecks used to be like. It didn't work out very well.

But, at least I saw Mr. Szymanski, and said a friendly hello. Then, like true Bryan style he left 10 mins after he played the show.

I miss them oldbecks. :-(

Then, as I was walking around, bouncing around, acting like an idiot my cousin Michelle and her husband found me! Her and her husband never go to shows! Oh the coincidences!

I'm glad I saw all my old friends. It was such a good fun night. Summer shows are the bomb. The bomb dot com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like "old home" week...or should that be "old homies" week? LOL