Monday, October 8, 2007

Studies Across The Universe

Me and JJ went and saw this film last night.

Here, is the preview:

Yes, it is a musical made out of The Beatles, songs. Awesome? YES. However, I'm not going to give an official review of the movie. I can't give a review without giving you spoilers, and I really don't want to do that. So, how about you to go see it, and judge it for yourself. Then, we will discuss. I did have a few(very few) minor problems with it but, the singing, the acting overall, the dream sequences, the directing, and the cinematography ruled out those problems.

Jim Sturgess could sing me to sleep if he wanted.

Especially this song:

However, when he sings, "Something". Oh my. Makes goosebumps on my arms. Kind of like when Ewan McGregor sings "You're Song" for the first time in Moulin Rouge. "My gift is my song!!!!!!!!" (that part).

JJ: You should get your British accent back, and learn to sing. Would ya? Oh. You won't? Okay. I'll just have my fantasies instead. :-D


Anonymous said...

this movie was AWESOME - the best I have seen in along time. If I didn't watch your page - I would not have known it was out there -- I think the last time a saw a movie was - Bridges of Madison County - HAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

someone watching should proof read before they post.

Anonymous said...

Great movie, saw it on Saturday. One of the best i've seen in the last few months.